Our website contains more than 10,000 local businesses from different cities in Greater Vancouver. Every day Vancouver Local connects people with great local businesses in Vancouver, Surrey, Burnaby and other cities. We regularly update vancouver-local.ca to provide the most recent information about businesses including fresh photos, latest contact information and relavent reviews.
Vancouver Local in numbers
Vancouver Local is owned by Leading Local. Leading Local has more than 50 printed directories across the US and Canada and online directories that can be accessed anywhere.
Vancouver, a bustling west coast seaport in British Columbia, is among Canada’s densest, most ethnically diverse cities.
Surrey is one of the fastest growing, culturally diverse cities in Canada.
Burnaby – the third largest city in Metro Vancouver and home to such best places as Burnaby Mountain, Burnaby Village and the giant Metropolis shopping centre at Metrotown.
North Vancouver is known for hiking and skiing trails in the forested North Shore Mountains.
Located on the North Shore across Burrard Inlet via the Lions Gate Bridge from Vancouver, West Vancouver is one of the wealthiest cities in Canada.
Richmond is known throughout the Vancouver region for its quality Parks, Trails and Cycling Routes, Recreation and Community Centre facilities.