Company Description
Kimberley Jewellers is a trusted jewelry store located at 1728 - 152 St, Surrey, BC. We offer a wide range of elegantly designed jewelry pieces to suit every occasion. Our expert craftsmanship and attention to detail are second to none. We also provide high-quality jewelry repair services to ensure that your treasured pieces remain in the best possible condition. You can visit our website at or follow us on Facebook at or for more information on our products and services.
Products & Services
jewelry pieces , Jewelry Store , high-quality jewelry repair services , elegantly designed jewelry
Reviews and Recommendations
Frequently asked questions about Kimberley Jewellers
What days are Natalia Jewellers open?
Natalia Jewellers is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

Kimberley Jewellers
Open Hours
- Tuesday10:30AM - 05:30PM
- Wednesday10:30AM - 05:30PM
- Thursday10:30AM - 05:30PM
- Friday10:30AM - 05:30PM
- Saturday10:30AM - 05:30PM
- Mon, SunClosed