Company Description
Patton Allison Dr offers top-quality healthcare services with a team of board-certified physicians and skilled naturopathic experts. We strive to provide personalized care to our patients and help improve their overall wellness. Our clinic is located at 3566 King George Blvd in Surrey, BC, and we can be reached at 6045388837. We specialize in a range of medical and naturopathic treatments, including diagnostic testing, physical exams, and wellness consultations. Contact us today for quality care that puts your wellbeing first.
Products & Services
Diagnostic Testing , Physical exams , Wellness consultations
Reviews and Recommendations
(1)Frequently asked questions about Patton Allison Dr
How do customers rate Pacific Eye Doctors?
Pacific Eye Doctors has 5.0 stars based on 7 reviews.
What days are Pacific Eye Doctors open?
Pacific Eye Doctors is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.