Company Description
PureRange Enterprises Ltd. was established as a restaurant equipment supplier in Vancouver lower mainland in 2007, through 15 years hard-working, PureRange has become one of the most stable, reliable, trustworthy company in commercial kitchen equipment which is supported by various North American brand products like True, Garland, Hobart, Vollrath, Pitco, etc as well as the most famous Japanese restaurant supplier as Suzumo, Yamato, Hasegawa, Taiji, etc. The company is keeping on our track of providing our customers with more service, more information, more help in commercial refrigeration, food cooking, food preparation, food holding, dishwashing, ice making, beverage making with more competitive prices.
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Products & Services
Beverage making , Hood / Filter Equipment , Smallware Equipment , Commercial refrigeration , Dishwashing , Refrigeration Equipment , Food preparation , Asian/Ethnic Equipment , Ice making , Sink / Storage Equipment , Featured Products , Food cooking , Beverage Equipment , Food holding , Used Equipment , Restaurant Equipment , Commercial Ovens , Dish Washing Equipment , Food Prepation Equipment , Food Holding Equipment
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