Company Description
Jade Business Law is a full-service law firm located in the heart of Vancouver's business district. Our team of experienced lawyers specializes in a wide range of legal services, from corporate law to commercial leases and employment agreements. We understand the challenges that businesses face in today's complex legal environment, which is why we strive to deliver practical solutions that meet our clients' unique needs. We pride ourselves on our ability to provide high-quality legal advice and representation, while maintaining a personal and accessible approach to client service. Contact us today to learn more about how Jade Business Law can help protect and grow your business.
Products & Services
Buying & selling real property , Mortgage Financing , Shareholder agreements , Powers Of Attorney , Partnerships, Limited Partnerships, and Joint Ventures , Wills , Financing , Mergers, Acquisitions & Divestitures , Leasing (Landlord & Tenant) , Probate and Estate Administration , Family Trusts , Litigation Support , Land Assembly , Succession Planning , Estate planning and wealth management , Corporate and Commercial , Reorganizing Private Companies , Stock Option Plans & Employee Incentives , Business Contracts , Real Estate , Incorporation , Strata Property , development , Partnership Agreements , Private equity investments , Marriage Agreements And Cohabitation Agreements