Company Description
MUJI Robson Street is a popular retail store located at 1125 Robson St, Vancouver, BC. The store offers a wide range of household and consumer goods that are both stylish and affordable. Customers can find everything from clothes to furniture, stationery, and household items. With its minimalist style and high-quality products, MUJI has become a favorite among people looking for simplicity and functionality. The store is well-known for its eco-friendly products and commitment to sustainability. Shopping at MUJI Robson Street is a delightful experience, and customers can expect excellent customer service and a shopping experience that leaves them wanting to come back. Visit the website or call the store at 6048312718 to learn more.
Products & Services
Household goods , Philippines , Malaysia , Luxembourg , U.K. , China , Canada , Czech Republic , Taiwan , Germany , Switzerland , Australia , Stationery , Finland , Kuwait (English) , Denmark , Belgium , United States , Clothing , Poland , Saudi Arabia , Austria , Netherlands , Thailand , Asia Pacific , UAE (English) , India , Bahrain , France , UAE , Vietnam , Korea , Spain , Japan , Qatar , Kuwait , Furniture , Sweden , Italy , Choose your country or region , Hong Kong , Hong Kong (English) , Europe , Portugal , Singapore , North America , Ireland