Company Description

Kids at Heather Child Care is a reliable and reputable daycare center located at 710 W 12th Ave, Vancouver, BC. Our team of passionate professionals is dedicated to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for your child's development. With years of experience in the industry, we are committed to providing exceptional care and education to your little ones. Our services include full-day and part-time daycare for children. Our mission is to create an environment that fosters physical, cognitive, and emotional growth, with a focus on fun and learning. For more information, contact us at 6048739011 or visit our website at or our Facebook page at Trust us with your child's care and let us help them grow and flourish.

Products & Services

part-time daycare ,   full-day daycare  

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Kids At Heather Child Care

710 W 12th Ave Vancouver, BC
(604) 873-9011